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Ministries of Beaver Dam Missionary Baptist Church

Audio and Visual Ministry

To ensure sound and visual capabilities 

Brother Johnnie Butler

Deacons Ministry

To assist the minister and connect to members

Deacon Timmy Butler

Kitchen and Hospitality Ministry

To foster a welcoming atmosphere

Deacon Louise Butler  

Sister Maxine Wall

Christian Education Ministry

To plan and organize activities for Sunday School and Bible Study

Deacon Samuel Butler

Music Ministry

To provide praise, worship, and gospel music during service

Rev. Lawrence Aycock

Bro. Barry Hayes,

Sister Markeeita Lamb

Prayer Ministry

To pray and usher in the spirit before service

Sister Barbara Watson

Sister Virginia Scott

Pastor's Aide Ministry

To provide support for the pastor

Sister Sandra Richardson

Trustee Ministry

To maintain the property of the church, to maintain the finances

Deacon Tim Butler

Ushers Ministry

To welcome and service the congregation

Sister Markeeita Lamb

Women’s Day Ministry

To plan and organize the activities for Women’s Day weekend

Sister Sandra Richardson

Youth Ministry

To provide support for the youth

Sister Frances Butler 

Sandra Richardson

Beautification Ministry

To maintain the aesthetic of the interior and exterior of the church

Deacon Louise Butler

Nursing Home Ministry

To organize and minister to the nursing home residents

Reverend Billy Thompson

Maintenance Ministry

To provide upkeep of the building and property

Brother Johnnie Butler

Deacon Samuel Butler

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